AU Champion on Eliminating FGM
At the 32nd Ordinary Session of the AU Heads of State and Government Assembly, Heads of States adopted Assembly/AU/Dec.737(XXXII) on “Galvanizing Political Commitment Towards the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in Africa”. The decision endorsed the AU’s Initiative on Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation – the Saleema Initiative, and designated Burkina Faso as the African Union Champion on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation.
The role of the champion is to provide leadership and agenda visibility across the continent, and mobilise action among their peers and Member States at regional and continental level.
Since 2019, the AU Champion on Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation has presented two reports to the AU Heads of State and Government Assembly, leading to two AU Decisions on Female Genital Mutilation, including Decision 1 and Decision 2.